Affect Autism Podcast Featuring The PLAY Project

Richard Solomon, MD, founder of The PLAY Project recently sat down with Daria Brown, founder of Affect Autism, to discuss PLAY and the importance of parent-implemented models. Click here to see Richard Solomon explain The PLAY Project’s background, process, research and how PLAY is a solution to the autism therapies’ huge wait lists.

Affect Autism was created “to help caregivers have access to an approach that can make their lives with their autistic children more joyful and meaningful for both their children and themselves. By helping their children on their own at home, caregivers can watch their children progress in ways they might otherwise not have done sitting on a wait list for services—or worse, going through services that don’t help.”

Affect Autism offers a hub of resources including weekly blogs, online support meetings and courses, live informational sessions, consultations, podcasts, and book recommendations, to educate parents about the intuitive and effective developmental practice of DIR/Floortime. To find out more, click here.